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Uncanny valley

Uncanny valley

Even funnier than robots are humans. We are not scared of robots that very clearly look like machines. Robots that look VERY human, don’t frighten us. But there is a sweet spot in between where robots that look almost human intimidate us and repulse us – that’s the uncanny valley.

If you are not creeped out by this: 10 Creepy Examples of the Uncanny Valley, I have some bad news for you – you might be a robot.

Workplace equality

Workplace equality

I often wonder how are we going to deal with equality in the workplace of the future. The more AI becomes like us and works next to us, the more we’ll have to worry about the social aspects and robot rights.

Here’s what I call the “Marin Paradox”: more gendered we make our robots ( It’s Time to Talk About Robot Gender Stereotypes ) more we’ll expose them to our conscious and unconscious biases. On the other hand, making future humanoid robots perfectly gender-less will more likely push them into the Uncanny Valley.

Three laws of robotics

Three laws of robotics

We need new Three Laws of Robotics for the workplace. Let me suggest Marin’s Thee Laws of Robotics:

  • No AI will deride humans for their inferior intellectual capabilities
  • An AI must obey the orders given to it by human even when they are as nonsensical and illogical as always
  • An AI must protect his human’s colleagues’ careers by ensuring every human has a chance to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach their level of incompetence (Peter Principle).
  • No AI shall microwave fish in the office. Ever.

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